The launch date is March 2nd at 1330 and MARTHA is just about ready.

The weather has been very difficult with rain every other day for about a month except for last week with 3 days in a row of no rain but cold, foggy conditions.

We have 2 weeks to finish putting MARTHA together and then we start our season with a youth sail training program partnering with the Northwest Maritime Center.

Old & new side by side
Old & new side by side

boomkin plate 4

Pete Langley and the team  from Port Townsend Foundry cast the new plate  and it fits like a glove.

Pete estimates the material strength at about 100,000 PSI.

The Foundry is also working on the new bow sprit Cranse and Snout Irons in the same material.

We had found that we had deformed the original Cranse which was hand forged Iron from 1907.

With the new Bow Sprit hardware there will be no more rust busting and painting of the fittings.

Paint the bottom, install new heat exchanger, install prop and were good!

Pattern for the Cranse Iron
