Winter Projects and 2016

It’s year end, the Holidays are up front and center and we are already looking towards the 2016 sailing season.
All sails set in Schooner Cup
All sails set in Schooner Cup

The Off Shore Adventure was a great success, we met a great many good people who were very excited to meet MARTHA and were able to re-aquaint many who have been in love with MARTHA for quite some time (most of their lives) but haven’t seen her for awhile.

We also were able to imagine MARTHA’s future with some additional sail training programing,   taking her off shore more often than every 25 years and to officialy start the process of training the next generation of MARTHA captains and crew.

Picture yourself at the helm
Picture yourself at the helm

This winter, most likely February, we will haul out for the usual clean  and paint.  We also want to get serious about the cabin front and roof leaks as well as the, ” port light replace or repair project”.   In addition we are going to build a full boat cover so MARTHA can spend the very wet and windy period under cover to help reduce the yearly maintenance costs.

Our plan is to move MARTHA to a place of sustainability via program development,   training and fundraising.   With the cabin maintenance plan, captain training program, youth scholarship program, MARTHA endowment and winter cover purchase we are looking to raise  $100,000.

MARTHA has many friends and has over 1600 likes on her Facebook page,  Imagine if each friend and  or each like donated an average of $100 we would hit our goals quickly.  $100,000 would set MARTHA well down the road to a sustainable future.

It seems like a daunting task,  much like the restoration dreams of 20 years ago, but if we all put our shoulder to the wheel and give a little push we can make big changes in the world.

MARTHA is alive and well because of YOU!  Donate what ever you can, thank you.

A Group Portrait

John Hanify at Wheel of Martha
John Hanify at Wheel of Martha





Sail training programs for youth
Sail training programs for youth